Simple Analog Clock Widget最新版v4.5.0更新说明(2021-06-05)
- This app is a WIDGET. After installed, you must place it on your home from the widget list.
- When a widget was not added to the list, re-install or reboot the phone.
- You can remove the notification by using "Notification icon setting."
- If the app stops while using, try "Prevent forced stop."
- Added app icon to open Preferences and Guide.
- Added "Do Nothing" in "Tap Action" setting.
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Simple Analog Clock Widget安卓版介绍
Simple Analog Clock是款时间部件文件小,占内存也小,仅仅160kB 可以更改各种模式,比如有无秒针,秒针颜色,有无数字,数字大小,背景是否透明等等,还可以设置关联手机自带时钟,关联以后程序本身设置就打不开了,需要把插件删除了重新添加,可惜是英文版的,不过摸索几下就明白了。