從韓 文字 母、日文的平假名、片假名、日文漢字到英文發音、詞彙和語法,在LingoDeer里一切語言學習都變得像玩遊戲那樣有趣、簡單、上癮。
◉每個語言課程都包含了約2,000個最常用的詞彙和短語(囊括了JLPT N5, TOPIK1測試所需詞彙)。
◉ 貼心詳細的語法講解讓學習者可以系統深入地理解目標語言的結構。
◉ Thorough introductions to Japanese / Korean / Chinese Mandarin alphabet systems that build a solid foundation for successful independent learning
◉ Detailed grammar notes that explain how the language works
◉ Pleasant and authentic recordings from native speakers that are crystal clear
◉ Off the grid? In the sky? No problem! Take learning anywhere with the offline mode for free!
◉ Japanese learning is available in Kana, Kanji and Romaji; Korean learning is available in Hangul and romanized letters; Chinese learning is available in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Pinyin
◉ Varied and innovative exercise modes that target different skills; one would never be bored
◉ 2,000 most frequently used words and phrases up to the intermediate level, covered in 60+ units and 150+ lessons
◉ Built-in flashcard review system that helps one memorize new words and selectively reinforces skill points
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