Sony Headphones Connect最新版v7.5.0更新说明(2021-06-02)
The app's user-friendliness has been enhanced as a result of the following changes and new features.• Improved the user interface of device registration.• With the Adaptive Sound Control, not only can you automatically adjust settings based on registered locations, but can now make manual adjustments using notifications.
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Sony Headphones Connect安卓版介绍
sony headphones connect能够对你的Sony耳机进行调节。你可以通过sony headphones connect app精细的调节来让你获得更加舒适的聆听体验,你可以在这里自由定制你的耳机音效。使用软件快速连接你的耳机,简单的控制,让大家可以轻松的进行使用!