Wargame simulating the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941 on a hex map. Wargame for wargamers, simulating the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941. Units in the game represent the corps and armies of the forces involved: German, Italian, Hungarian and Yugoslav. The game is played on a map which represents Yugoslavia and surrounding areas split into hexagons to control movement and ownership. 1 or 2 player game. 2 player hotseat vs a friend or 1 player as the either side against a computer controlled opponent. Based on Unternehmung 25 by Geoffrey T Bohrer. Available as a free pdf download from www.wargamedownloads.com 【基本信息】 作者:Google Play提供 更新时间:2013-05-18 版本:8.0 系统:Android 1.5以上 语言:英文
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