這是個以法國為主的益智拼圖遊戲,遊戲裡有許多的法國美麗風景。您將不僅有拼圖的樂趣,還可以享受法國的美麗風光。遊戲方式介紹:一開始遊戲會將圖片切成3x3或4x4的小圖片並隨機打亂,你必須將小圖片擺放回原本正確位置.你可以按提示看一下擺放正確的位置,你也可以按介紹來看有關法國的相關文字介紹.一旦您過關了,就可以得到獎勵,也就是可以把法國風景圖片設成桌面,並可解鎖前往下一關卡.我們釋出軟體前會盡力去測試.但是Android的手機及型號種類非常多.請仁慈的Email提醒我們什麼步驟導致程式當掉.我們非常感謝您的了解與支持。====================================[English Introduction]This puzzle game has beautiful photos of several places in France, including Paris, Provins, Mont-Saint-Michel, Strasbourg, Nice, Eze village, Grasse, Avignon, Gordes and Roussillon. You will not only have fun of puzzle game also enjoy France beautiful scenery, like you travel there.Introduction of the game:The photo will be cut into 3x3 or 4x4 disarranged pieces. You must put all puzzle pieces at the correct position. You can press “Hint” to check the whole photo or press “introduction” to see the information of the place. When you complete it, you can set the photo as your wallpaper and go to next game.We always do our best to test the program while we release it. However, there are various models of mobile phone for Android system. Please kindly Email to us , tell us what step cause bug. We very appreciate your understanding and support.