Hit more clays you can! Classic clay pigeon shooting game with realistic graphics and nice bg sounds. Six game modes available: skeet, trap, double trap, an addictive arcade mode, survive and 2xsurvive. Global leaderboards and achievements via Scoreloop social game network. This is the free (ad supported) version, to remove ads buy the pro version. GAME MODES:Trap: 25 single clays, two bullets for clayDouble trap: 25 double clays, one bullet for claySkeet: 25 clays in preordered single/double shots, one bullet for clayArcade: 50 clays in random sequenceSurvive: hit more clays you can, single clays, single bullets!2xSurvive: hit more clays you can, double clays, two bullets! 【基本信息】 作者:Google Play提供 更新时间:2015-03-05 版本:1.7.1 系统:Android 2.3以上 语言:英文
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