POP Turret Defence! ONLINE Highscore list!! Buy the game for about 1$ if you like it and don't like the ads! You will also get more turrets! Classic Turret Defence Game. Stop the enemies from crossing the field.You have 20 life units and collect money for each enemy destroyed. Try how many waves you can handle! 4 turrets that upgrade 5 times.Some enemies are strong and slower, some are faster.The enemies energy level increases for each wave. To play you tap screen where you want to buy a turret and a menu is shown. If you dont have enough money at the time the turret cant be bought. When you wish to upgrade a turret ju tap the turret and the upgrade menu will appear. To pause the game press MENU button. If you whant to store the game state you press HOME button when you leave and the game state will remain in memory. The next time you start the game press RESUME button to continue. If it is any problem with the game on your device you can send me an email and I will try to fix it as fast as I can:) keywords: tower turret defence defense missile flame 【基本信息】 作者:Google Play提供 更新时间:2014-03-21 版本:2.6 系统:Android 2.1.x以上 语言:英文
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