Timer Bomb定时炸弹[1.0] This is a wonderful app. That you can set the time for a bomb and start the bomb. Seems that you are a terrorist then set a bomb. Also it will play time count sound, sounds like a real bomb is going to explode. It's made for joke and fun for you to play the tricky to your friends. Hope you like it. 可以模仿设定一个定时炸弹,以娱乐的方式在合适的地点来使用这个应用将会起到非常不一样和有意思的效果。暂时被网友想到的最有趣的场景为:在严肃的办公室内突然一个疑似定时炸弹的声音想起来了,大家一定会一头冷汗的,哈哈
二师兄下载官网不仅提供Timer Bomb最新手机版的免费下载,而且提供Timer Bomb手游的各种攻略和资讯,敬请关注。