这个人在打水的过程正好它有急事你懂的,你能否帮他一把,水管坏了他却不知道,一直在水龙头那里等着,如果在一定的时候没有装满水,那后果很严重.有你好看的.呵呵,你的操作过程很简单,点击水管使水果方向发生变化,把水桶装满好让他去干别的事,聪明善良的你快点帮帮他吧!In the course of this person just kick it in a hurry you know, can you help him, broken pipe he did not know, has been there waiting for the faucet, if at some point is not filled with water, then the consequences very serious to have you nice ... Oh, your procedure is very simple, click on the fruit pipe direction changes, so he filled the bucket shop and go to som...