Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game手游下载
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Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game下载
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game游戏介绍

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game最新版v11.14.3846677更新说明(2021-07-14)

Patch 11.10 brings another round of balance changes after the mid-patch update last week, alongside buffs to a few variant win conditions. Check out the complete patch notes on our website.

如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈,或移步Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game官网下载最新版

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game安卓版介绍

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game,一般又称TFT云顶之弈,云顶之弈TFT,云顶之弈S3,云顶之弈外服手游,Teamfight Tactics。

在《英雄联盟》十周年庆典直播中,《云顶之弈》宣布将推出独立应用! 《云顶之弈》原本是游戏《英雄联盟》中的一个回合制策略游戏模式,该模式中每局比赛由八名玩家共同进行一对一决斗,直到场上只剩下最后一名玩家。获胜关键是在合理的战术策略下从随机化的英雄池中选择最佳的英雄阵容,用装备对阵容进行强化,并构架优势对战阵型。

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game游戏信息
更新时间:2021-07-30 10:34:49
开发者:Riot Games工作室

Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Strategy Game其他版本

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