CallApp Contacts最新版v1.724更新说明(2020-12-20)
* Create and share your very own video ringtones!
* Our all-new ‘Who didn’t answer me’ feature will send you useful reminders to always be on top of your game
* Call Screens for each contact - Just when you thought it couldn't get more exciting than choosing your own video ringtone, now you can set a different one for each of your contacts!
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CallApp Contacts安卓版介绍
* Turn CallApp into something stunning! Give CallApp a brand new lookfeel that you’ve never seen before. For a limited time enjoy 1 month of no Ads when you purchase a Super Skin.
* Lightning-Fast Caller ID! We changed the call screen to show you who’s calling in a much faster & smoother way
* CallApp 2.5 is Here! New Bottom Bar! Essential updates to all of our features! CallApp is now simpler than ever!