作者:二师兄的小弟五 时间:2021-10-14 16:12:10
For the past 20 months we were fortunate to have Michael back home lving with us during lockdown, casting and streaming from his bedroom, sharing meals with us, spending time with extended family this summer, and letting us all get to know him better. He'd beengone for so long, traveling the world and meeting so many of you in the R6 Siege community. He came home happier and stronger, and forthat we are grateful.
When he was struggling as a new caster in Poland, on his own for the frst time, some of you banded together to chip in enough money to buy a plane ticket for me, his mom, to come see him. The show of support was so overwhelming for him that he cut his stream short and cried. To all of you who lent a hand to a young man in need, we are grateful.
There were times when he invited me to sit in and chat with him on his stream. Good conversations were had and we enjoyed it. As anaudience many of you let me know l was welcome there, and lam grateful.
At tournaments and events we could see how he was respected for his talent and dedication. As parents we were so proud of his hard work and determination to bring his best to all of you.
On Monday, October 11 Michael"KiXSTAr*Stockley passed away unexpectedly. He had so much planned for the future, and he was looking forward to working with so many of you.
10月11日,周一,Michael "KiXSTAR" Stockley意外去世。他还有很多对未来的计划,他也非常期待与你们大家一同工作。
Michael worked hard to lift up the R6 Siege community, and in turn so many of you lifted him up as wel. We are grateful for the love andsupport that we have experienced from so many of you. Keep it going, pay it forward, and keep lifting each other up.
KiX的母亲 Carol
他的继父 Thomas
R.I.P Michael "KiXSTAr" Stockley。