helpndoc是一个强大的帮助文件制作工具,对个人用户完全免费,使用 Ribbon 风格界面,可以轻松制作帮助文件或电子书,并发布为 CHM、Web、PDF、Word、EPUB、Kindle Ebook 等格式。HelpNDoc 有一套比较灵活的模板系统,可以在预置的目录模板中任意添加一级、二级目录,并分别编辑各个目录下的内容,实现了完全的所见即所得。同时编辑功能也比较强大,可插入各类资源,包括图片、视频、文档、HTML 源代码、表格、特殊字符、判断条件等等。HelpNDoc 可输出标准的 CHM 帮助文件,但需要系统安装 HTML Help Workshop,要输出 EPUB 电子书,则需要安装 Kindle Gen。
已经做成绿色便携版,下载解压后直接运行 HelpNDocPortable.exe 即可,2019/3/3 更新版本为 HelpNDoc。
Included HTTP Server could fail to work properly under certain conditions
New WinHelp (*.hlp) file importer (Beta) which can import topics, contents, pictures, hyperlinks and keywords from older WinHelp files
Google Analytics support in the default HTML template: add a valid Google Analytics ID in the template settings and it will be included in the generated pages
Library items analyzer can now detect and report items used in builds settings: they are not marked as unused anymore
New script to merge children topics' contents in the currently selected topic: MergeChildrenTopics.hnd.pas
Some common error messages now include help topics for easier troubleshooting
In the default HTML template, it wasn't possible to translate the "search..." placeholder
Easy to use yet powerful help authoring environment which can generate various documentation formats from a single source. HelpNDoc provides all the tools necessary to write complete help files, manuals, documentations and eBooks in a user friendly and very easy to use environment.